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Arsenal Sink Tottenham 阿森納沉擊托特納姆

http://www.enorth.com.cn  2007-09-17 23:59


  Arsenal's "mental strength" led to their victory, said their manager Arsenal came from behind to beat Tottenham Hotspur 3-1 at White Hart Lane in a thrilling north London derby同城競技on Saturday.The bitter rivalry苦戰between the two north London clubs always makes for an exciting and passionate game, and this match did not disappoint.

  Spurs熱刺took an early lead with a curling free kick弧線任意球from Gareth Bale in the 15th minute, and it looked like Tottenham would beat their rivals for the first time in 17 matches.

  ClinicalWe took the game to them and created chances. But they were clinical and that was the difference.

  Martin Jol, Tottenham Hotspur manager

  Spurs manager Martin Jol, said his team should have "killed them [Arsenal] off", meaning Tottenham should have taken their chances to score and put the game beyond Arsenal.

  But Spurs failed to capitalize利用on their opportunities, with Bulgarian striker Dimtar Berbatov missing a sitter錯過良機after beating the Arsenal goalkeeper.

  Martin Jol bemoaned心懷不滿his team’s failure to score, saying: "We took the game to them and created chances. But they were clinical冷靜的and that was the difference."

  Jol’s future at the club now looks even more uncertain and his position will be reviewed in October, according to media reports.

  Mental strengthHaving lost Thierry [Henry], it has helped the belief and mental strength of the team to start well. We never forget Thierry but we know that the team is blossoming and growing.

  Arsene Wenger, Arsenal manager

  A number of potential replacements可能的替換人選are being lined up就位to replace Jol, including Juande Ramos, the coach of Spanish team Seville, who claims he has already rejected a "dizzying offer"難以置信的鉅額轉會費to take over at Spurs.

  Victory over Spurs has taken Arsenal to the top of the Premier League, and it looks like the club has got over恢復losing Thierry Henry to Barcelona.

  Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger said the result showed the team’s "mental strength and togetherness"團結一致.

  "We never forget Thierry but we know that the team is blossoming蒸蒸日上and growing," he added.

稿源 BBC中國網 編輯 天體
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