USA Vs Russia: 8-9 Russia Won 3rd Place  2006-08-13 15:40 On 13th Aug 2:30 P.M., in the first match of the final day USA struggled with Russia for the 3th place.The Russian team was luckier.Russian girls won the match with the score of 9-8,occupying the 3rd place of the 14th FINA Women's Water Polo World Cup.American team was at the fourth place.

In the first quarter, number 4 from Russia opened the score.But the the American player number 5 answered back with an exact shot.Just 16 seconds later, number four from Russia scored one goal and went ahead.Then Russian girls attacked more intense. In the remaining 3 minutes 6 seconds, Russian girl scored another goal.This period ended up with the score of 3-1. Russian team went ahead.

The second quarter was still controlled by Russia. The goal keeper of Russia performed excellent and blocked the ball on the edge of the cage several times. Number 4 from Russian team scored 2 goals at 4 minutes 9 seconds and 4 minutes 43 seconds repectively.On the contrast,USA just shot one goal at the beginning of this period. After two quarters,the score was 2-5.Russian team got the leading place temperarily.

At 2 minutes 31 seconds of the 3rd period, Head coach of USA requested the 1st time out and his team managed to shorten the differnce.Just 15 seconds after the time out,number 5 from USA scored successfully. Then at 4 minutes 9 seconds, American girls scored again. The differnce was shorten to 1 goal. But a score by number ten of Russia made Russian team went ahead with 2 goals. The head coach of Russia requested the time out.At remaining 2 minutes 6 seconds, Russian girls enlarged the distance. USA did not give up and answered back at 6 minutes 18 seconds.The total score was 5-7 after three periods.

The 4th quarter started with intense attack.Neither side give up any chances to shoot.Number 3 from USA caught a chance at 22 seconds at the beginning of this decisive quarter.2 munites 24 seconds later, number 5 from USA scored a goal and made the score 7-7 on a tie. But just 22 seconds later, Russian girls shot back and went ahead again.And then, each team scored successfully again. In the remaining times ,both sides gave intense attack. Russian team was luckier to win the game with the score of 9-8.

稿源 編輯:張佳璐


COPYRIGHT 14th FINA Women's Water Polo World Cup